UNEXPECTED TO SEE SOMETHING AMAZING On Saturday 9th Sept 2022 I was in North wales for a few days on the coast, Of North wales
I had planned to go to aber ogwen spinnies nature area Bangor to see if the Mute swans were still gathering and on my arrival there I was advised by kate and Joel not to go on the beach they were ringers who said they were doing a catch of redshank for annual ringing on Menai Straits as part of SCAN’s monitoring project they also said on the radio let the swan guy know there are 4 Whooper swans in the flock I managed to count 99 Mute swans = (104 swans) I Was like wow ran to the hide and got some pics of them they then left the flock and flew off towards the great orme,
They said the cannon net will be going off and banging in around 40 mins they said you were more than welcome to come over once they are in the boxes and guess what they were
Unexpected and very shocked to come across a LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER are Rare Wader you don't tend to see. they also had over 150+ redshank 1 of which was Icelandic redshank ) and 5 Curlew sandpipers At North Wales Bangor at aber Ogwen Talybont It was a fantastic experience to watch .

Learnt so much about SCAN and BTO WADER RINGING.
They put silver rings on all the birds before weighing and taking wing and beak length.
It was a Wicked day And an unexpected one too . The People were very stunned and shocked with excitment as well as the Ringer Stephen Dodd. I was great to meet him and Joel who is studying at bangor uni and lives in South Manchester so i have another contact for that area ,
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