I'm thinking of offering Swanwatch talks to schools in the UK and also tourists which may be coming soon.
So what do you think?
I sent this Question to my friends on my Swanwatch Group and face-book and Also onto Twitter So here was there response.
1. :- I think that is a brilliant Idea Ryan, anything that helps educate young people about wildlife can only be a good thing.
2. Alana Walshaw:- Think u should go for it start thinking about what the talk's will include
3.Damien and Emma:- Great Idea Ryan, i think this is brilliant, the abuse that kids give and put wildfowl through sickens our stomachs everyday. I do passionately believe in the protection of swans, and the pleasure that they give to people. Maybe just maybe if people went out on a limb, like yourself to educate, it might make a difference, however big and small. Love the tourist idea as well, wed personally love to listen to one of your talks.
4.Michelle McDonald:-Think that's a great idea, children especially should be educated more, It's a fab idea Ryan
5. Lee Rollings:- Hi Ryan,Thats a great idea i would enjoy and
listen to one of your talks.
6. Pete Farrelly fabulous idea.
7. Janette Renshaw:-Brilliant, school children will love it!
8. Gilsie Eddis:- Great idea!!
9. Ann Sutcliffe:- Great idea Ryan, go for it!
10.Takaka Debbie:- You are the man to do it!
11. Cathy Norbury:- I
think that would be amazing I think your input would be highly valued
not only by the children but parents too. I also think you have a
broader spectrum of knowledge not only about swans that you could teach
regarding British wildlife.
12.Jane Heath: Excellent idea Ryan. Get the kids interested and learning to respect the swans and all wildlife. You would be an awesome ambassador go for it Hun.
13. Tarek Amin:- Great Idea
14. Rachael Webb:- oh yes go for it, you know your stuff so go teach it for sure.
15.Chelsey-May Campbell:- Sounds like a great idea!
16. Nathan James:- Mate I think it's a great idea go for it.
17.Tracy Pike:- I think that's a great idea. Kids of today have no respect for them - perhaps they can educate their parents. I'd be happy to come on board and help. You know am passionate about them. Be good to meet you too.
More Too be Added Soon
Best Wishes
Swanwatch Team Leader.