Our New Swallow Family born a few days ago , Being fed by the adult in the nest with small
Insects in a couple of weeks they will be Getting ready to f ledge and
they could have another Brood . So fingers Cross they fly Successfully
and have another Brood.
This is our Swallow Family that lives under a Bridge that down on the canal, They are on there
Successful Brood. I first noitecd when they have hatched when the
female swallow came in with Insects for them and took a photo of them.
At first I thought there was only 4 but then i looked closer and there
was 6 chicks fast asleep.
A Juvenile Shellduck make an appearance on my patch , This is the first ever
Successful Shellduck that i have ever seen on my Wildlife patch of Middlewich. I
First saw it sat at the back having a sleep and then a grey heron and
flew in and the Juvenile was not having it . I saw bob the Canada Geese
with this parents and they came over to say hello and then the Shellduck
came 2 meters in front of me which was an amazing experience to have
and will never forgot.
This Photo is of our Family of Canada Geese Bob the Juvenile and this Parent coming over
too say Hello , then goes to preen himself on the bank.
Thankyou for Reading My Wildlife Blog
Today's Blog Swallow Chick Photography
Best Wishes Ryan